Lal Kitab

Among enormous systems of astrology in India, Lal Kitab, is gaining popularity day by day. Lal Kitab, as it seems to suggest, does not mean a book of red colour only. In fact, Lal Kitab is a school of vedic Astrology that has brought astrology to the common man. All the knowledge, the principes and the rules of this system have been placed in 5 books known as Lal Kitab itself. Therefore, we would prefer to say that Lal Kitab is a system of Astrology as well as a book on Astrology.

About Lal Kitab

Lal Kitab came to be known the year 1983 when an astrological journal namely the 'Fate and fortune' published the remedies (upayas) of Lal Kitab in one of its issues, soon, the market became flooded with enormous versions of Lal kitab authentic or unauthentic surprisingly none of the authors of these books those were named as Dalda.

Lal Kitabs on a very later stage has mentioned as to which authentic version of Lal kitab his work is based upon. While tracing the origin of this school of Astrology namely the Lal Kitab we have come across a number of views . Some trace its origin in 'Arun' the charioteer of lord sun while some others go to link it with Rawan and Rawan Samhita. Some versions link it to the Arabs and Muslims. Still other go to suggest that Lat Kitab is based upon some prophesies made to one Pandit Rup Chand ji Joshi by God himself. With out going into the controversy or long debate on the issue we would prefer to accept the most popular view that Pt. Rup Chand ji Joshi of Pharwala in Punjab was the originator of this system of astrology. Pt.Rup Chand ji Joshi an accountant in Royal Indian Army during the British Rule , got some old manuscripts from one of his colleagues who could not reads and Wrote but often made predictions on the basis of the knowledge he aquired by the word of mouth during his childhood. He requested Pandit ji to reproduce his knowledge in written form so that it can go a long way to the posterity and benefit them. This laid the foundation of a great system of astrology, the Lal Kitab : Pandit ji compeiled this knowledge in five books in sequence, and also named them as Lal Kitab.

To note here, Pandit ji has added 'Samudrik' or ILM Samudrik' with 'Lal Kitab' on each of his books. Assigning literal meaning to the word 'Samudrik' most of the writers on 'Lal Kitab' have described the Lal Kitab Knowledge as the "Oceanic Knowledge"or the Knowledge of ocean that does not appear to be a right meaning in context of the Lal Kitab .Here, we would like to place on record the correct meaning of the word 'Samudrik' . This word comes from the Sanskrit language. According to various Sanskrit -English dictionaries like that by a learned scholar V.S.Apte has two meanings first sea born ( oceanic) and the second "Relating to marks on the body which are supposed to indicate good or bad fortune. Also, According to Sanskrit grammer, when as samudrik is used in Pullinga ( masculine gender) it means one who knows has to interpret the various mark on the body.

Panditji wrote his Lal Kitab in a Series of 5 books in Urdu script the first in the series, 'Samudrik kee Lal kitab ke Farman' was published in 1939. followed by Samudrik kee Lal Kitab ke Arman( 1940) , 'Samudrik kee Lal Kitab.

Principles of Lal Kitab

A man's fate is ordained by God in which secrets of his life, death and course of events are hidden. He has also ordained to take care of the ungrateful. The subject of the aerial thought would undoubtedly indicate the day of death or secret of sex of a child in the mother's womb-Nevertheless, it is inadvisable to forecast the same before time. While there is remedy for illness, there is no escape from death. Astrology, being the knowledge of the Unknown, is not magic nor a mantra. It comprises of all worldly considerations without any claim to divinity. It is to some extent a source of help for personal protection and tranquillity of I he soul. It is not a weapon to be used against others. In the arena of fate, if (he drain water (fortune) is obstructed, then, with the help of Astrology, appropriate effort could be made to set the course of events right by removing obstructions. But no increase or decrease can be made in the quantity of water (Fortune). It is possible at times to raise a protective wall with the help of Astrology before a rapacious lion (evil events) assaulting a person so that the lion may not cause any harm. Even if the lion assaults with ferocity, without trying to cage it, a wall (of protection) with spiritual help could be raised. The lion would get exhausted, abandon the idea of assault and the man would get exhausted, abandon the idea of assault and the man would automatically be spared. of the harm.The Lal Kitab (Red Book) is auspicious if it is bound in red colour. All other colours (excepting red) would prove inauspicious.

This treatise is based on "Samudrik Shastra." It has been written in the form of different Commandants (Chapters). Repeated reading of the book would unfold the secrets of the subject.

Even before testing anything, would not prove helpful for proper understanding of the subject. Secrets of a subject can be unravelled only if our approach is positive. Casting a horoscope and ascertaining its correctness may be attempted only after understanding of the subject. In the meantime, experience may be gained from the horoscopes made on the principles of traditional Astrology. However, trying to understand the subject through one's own horoscope would prove to be counterproductive. The real friend is one who points out the defects. Pointing out infirmities of the subject, in fact, would be helpful in augmenting knowledge. One should refrain from speaking ill of any other expert on the subject of Astrology. There is no doubt that ill feelings dominate the polluted minds of men with limited knowledge and foolish satirical kings. However, it would be humane and kind to give the benefit of the knowledge of the subject to other friends in good faith; since goodness breeds goodness.

Prudence demands that one should not take cudgels against destiny. One cannot author one's own fate. The most auspicious course of life is the one, which has been pre-ordained. The most powerful, the brave and the ambitious cannot achieve results despite hectic efforts except those, which are destined and predetermined. One is, at times astonished to see marvelous things happening in a few magic moments and one is left wondering as to what is the secret of this entire marvel. Indeed, the answer to this is simple. When destiny (Jupiter) shines, a beggar becomes a king, notwithstanding the fact whether he has the strength where-withal or the need there of.

This System is based on Samudrik Shastra. It helps in rectifying the Ascendant of the horoscope made in accordance with traditional Astrology. When traditionally, reference is made to three rounds of Saturn's evil transit of two and a half years each, events like snakebite, collapse or auction of the house, defects in eyesight, troubles upon paternal uncle bordering on death or loss of machines should indicate that Saturn is giving its malefic effects. Alternatively, it could be the sub-period of Sun in Sun Saturn; or 7-1/2 years of evil impact of transit of Saturn on Moon sign. It is better to base one's understanding on firm events rather than on mere speculation. By correcting the horoscope with the help of palmistry, supplemented by the knowledge of events of life, Annual Charts unto 120 years of age can be made with the help of matrix given in the second part of the Lal Kitab.

In cases of 'doubtful' condition of planets, very simple and inexpensive remedies have been suggested which have been found to give results at opportune times.

The subject of Astrology is very vast. Hence, only those issues have been discussed which are of very serious and grave nature. Instead of talking of simple fever or minor troubles, it is better to feel concerned about TB, epilepsy, paralysis; or life or otherwise of a person, hi short, every effort has been made to remove various doubts and apprehensions.

In traditional Astrology, if Rahu (Dragon's head /Ascending Node) is in the House No.l, Ketu (Dragon's tail/Descending Node) would always be in the House No. 7. Mercury too would be moving around Sun in its proximity . But such restrictions on planetary positions have not been.

Taken in this treatise, Hence Rahu and Kclu could as well be nearer or farther, and at times they could even be together. Similarly, Mercury is not treated as tied with Sun. In fact, each planet has been presumed to be free to move or take a position of its own and would have its full distinct individuality, as per Annual chart.

In this system, while analyzing a horoscope, considerations of Signs and Constellations have been done away with. The Ascendant has been taken as H. No. 1, and the rest of the Houses are counted next in an anti-clockwise fashion in the order of sequence. However, the position of planets remains the same as in the traditional chart. The effect of different planels is read as per their positions in respective numeral houses. There is no need to resort to lengthy calculations based on ephemeries. Constellations Signs, Lordship of various Houses are no longer necessary. The effect of planets is considered by articles, business or relationships related to them.

For example, if traditional horoscope (north Indian/south Indian/east Indian/western (European/American) reads as per charts given below, for this system it would be read as per example C-II thus the concept Rashies as distinct from house has been done awa}'. Rectificaion of the horoscope according to Lal Kitab is explained in the chapter No.7 of this book alongwilli Major Period (Maha Dasha) and Moon Chart.

In place of Sign No.11 (Acquarius)-House No.1 has been given Remaining house have been numbered sequentially from 1 to 12. For analysing the horoscope, effects of Rahu No.1, Moon No.2, Saturn No.3, Mercury, Mars, Ketu No.7, Sun No.8, Jupiter, Venus No.9, would be taken.

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