Gemini's have a need to communicate and share their ideas. Intelligent and adaptive, Gemini people are curious about everything. Their restless nature is always on the lookout for new ideas and experiences. With a tendency to spend their energy on too many projects instead of concentrating on one, Gemini's know a little about a lot of different subjects but not to any degree. This may make them somewhat superficial, on the other hand it makes a great first impression!
Amusing, charming and witty, Gemini's are usually surrounded by many friends. Their changeable personality gives them a unique ability to understand what others are thinking and maneuver themselves into many favorable positions. They are too willing to adapt the traits of others and tend to say what others want to hear instead of saying what they really think.
Romance will prove intriguing and exciting as the Gemini lover has imagination and flair. However they may not seem fully committed and can appear to be preoccupied.

Erogenous Zone: Hands, arms and shoulders.
Most Likeable Trait: Responsiveness
Element: Air (communicative and intellectual)
Ruling Planet: Mercury (planet of the mind)
Keyword: I THINK
Birthstone: Agate