Enthusiastic and generous, Leo's have a true love for life and the pleasures it offers. They rule their kingdoms (big or small) and thrive on drama and attention. Affectionate and cheerful, no one could ask for a better friend but their ego demands flattery, adoration and praise in return. Leo's are hard workers, taking on projects that others would not attempt. They are ambitious and full of enthusiasm as long as they are in the limelight. Stubbornly clinging to their pride, Leo's do not readily change their opinions or behaviour for others. Their egos simply will not allow them to admit to being wrong - even to the point of clinging to bad relationships. They are often guilty of turning a mundane problem into an overblown crisis. Like their symbol, the Lion, Leo is playful, fun and extremely social. In love they are passionate, sensual and inventive.
Erogenous Zone: The back and spine.
Most Likeable Trait: Exuberance
Element: Fire (energetic and enthusiastic)
Ruling Planet: The Sun (planet of vitality and individuality)
Keyword: I WILL
Birthstone: Ruby