The first sign of the Zodiac, Aries demonstrates a restlessness and energy that gives the impression of someone exciting and vibrant. Their enthusiasm and optimism make them irresistible and natural born leaders who are determined to succeed one way or another.
Aries are the "doers" of the zodiac but if success is not immediate they can become easily bored, giving them a reputation for not finishing what they have begun.
Aries people are high-spirited, courageous, and independent - though they can turn sulky if they have to take orders. Generous to a fault, they love to help others in need - but often seek credit for their good deeds. Notorious for childish tantrums and taking offense at imagined slights, Aries must learn that they are not the center of the universe. As a lover, they are passionate and giving - preferring to be the pursuer and not the pursued!
Erogenous Zone: The head and the face.
Most Likeable Trait: Courage
Element: Fire (energetic and enthusiastic)
Ruling Planet: Mars (planet of energy and assertiveness)
Keyword: I AM
Birthstone: Diamond