Mala is a string of beads used in counting prayers. Mala is used for combining prayer and meditation. Mala is used to do meditation with Mantra. Mala can have different number of beads but generally that of 108 beads is considered most auspicious and mystical because it is believed that this number has spiritual significance and therefore this number is generally encouraged. Seers also say that a Mala of 108 beads gives accomplishment of all Siddhis. Mala is generally used to count the number of a Mantra that one is reciting. This form of prayer which if done daily shall lead you to discover a profound relationship with God or Goddess. Different types of rosaries cause different types of impacts and are used to recite the mantras of different gods or goddesses to fulifill your wishes.
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Rudraksha Mala
It has been mentioned in different classics that RudrakshaMala is useful and benefits would go on increasing with the number of Rudrakshas one is wearing. A Mala of pure beads of Rudraksha is very useful and keeps the blood pressure of the person normal and makes him/her virile. It is useful in the development of ones intellectual faculties. It renders mental peace to the person and brings benefits in business and trade. Rudraksha are known for their healing powers. The most effective reason is one comprised of 1 to 14 faced rudraksha which proves highly beneficial not only for eradication of miseries and diseases but also brings good luck.
Rs.500 Order Now
Chandan Mala
Introduction: Goddesses shower their benediction on the person who wears a Mala of red sandalwood and if he wears that of white, gods shower their benediction on him. The Japs (recitation) of Vishnu, Ram, Krishna and Jupiter are performed with a white sandalwood Mala. A man can have virtuous mentality, peace of mind, sufficient sleep, etc. and faith in gods if he wears a white sandalwood Mala. The following mantra should be recited: Om GraangGringGraungSahGuruweNamah.
Rs.1200 Order Now
Mantras of goddess Durga are recited on this Mala. Crystal is a Semiprecious jewel and found easily. It is transparent and looks like glass. Crystal Mala is useful not only for health but also for those who do intellectual work and have interest in spiritual activities. A Mala of crystal worn on Monday renders peace of mind to the person and he does not suffer from headache. A Mala of crystal worn on Saturday saves the person from blood related diseases. A crystal Mala put on the naval of a person suffering from high fever, brings down the temperature.
Rs.500 Order Now
Firoza Mala
Introduction: The colour of firoza is like sky. The firoza mala is useful particularly for early marriage of women. For this purpose it should be worn during an auspicious muhurat on Friday or Thursday and worship of Mother Gauri should be performed. Keep Ma BhuvneshwariYantra before you at the time of worship. Recite the following mantra of Bhuvneshwari Mantra: Om VahipreyasiSwaha
Rs.500 Order Now
Hakik Mala
Hakik(Agate) is a semiprecious stone. Agate Mala is used for getting the blessings of Lord Shiva. By wearing it one gets mental peace. It improve concentration, promotes good will and helps in eliminating bad luck. It overcomes fear and loneliness. This Mala is used for protection, people wear it for courage. Students wear it for getting success in competitive examinations. It is excellent during menopause and helpful in breast tumor. Agate protects new life and therefore Agate Mala can be worn during pregnancy.
Rs.800 Order Now
This Mala is made of bulbs of Turmeric which is considered one of the most purifying herbs in Ayurveda. It is associated with fertility. It is considered auspicious for getting victory over enemies. It is used for recitation of Mantras during those worshipping ceremonies which are performed to bring success when you are in trouble because of some enemy. For getting success in litigation matters also the same Mala is used. This Mala is specially used for chanting the Mantra of Bagalamukhi and Jupiter.
Rs.400 Order Now
Kamal Gatte Ki Mala
A person desirous of wealth and favorable results should recite the Mantra of Goddess Laxmi (Goddess of wealth) with this Mala. It is said that recitation of Kanakdhara and Kamla Mantra with a lotus beads Mala renders plenty of wealth to the devotee.
Rs.100 Order Now
Navratan Mala
Introduction:Anybody can wear this mala. The mala is made of nine jewels. This is worn with gold, silver or Ashtadhatu. Sometimes all the efforts of a man prove to be void due to the malefic aspect of the planets. This mala saves the man from the malefic aspect of the planets and evil effects of Saturn's Saarhesaati or Mahaadashaa. The mala should be worn in a morning of any auspicious day after performing Panchoapchaar form of worship. The mala starts showering its auspicious effects on the person. Mantra: BramhaMurariTripurantkariBhanuhShashihBhumiSutoBudhashch GurushchSukrahShaniRahuKetuwahSarweGraha Shanti Kara Bhavantu
Rs.5000 Order Now
Pearl Mala
Introduction: Pearl is a beautiful gem. It refines mind and words. It is regarded as gem of Moon. Since Moon is lord of feelings, therefore sentiments are improved most by use of pearls. Mantra: Om SomSaumayNamah
Rs.2500 Order Now
Red Chandan Mala
Introduction: There are two kinds of Sandalwood: Red (Rakta) and while (Shweta). Rosaries of red Sandalwood are useful for propitiating the goddesses whereas of white are useful for the gods. Sandal trees are found mostly in the forests of Assam. It is heavier than the other wood and sinks in water. Frigidity is its quality. White Sandalwood has a sweet aroma, which is its main quality. Sandalwood is useful in the treatment of disorder in blood, loose stools, headache; ailments caused by disorder of wind, bile and cough in the system, worm and vomiting. This is called by different names in different languages. Use: Goddesses shower their benediction on the person who wears a Mala of red sandalwood and if he wears that of white, gods shower their benediction on him. The Japs of Vishnu, Ram, Krishna and Jupiter are performed with a white sandalwood Mala. A man can have virtuous mentality, peace of mind, sufficient sleep, etc. and faith in gods if he wears a white sandalwood Mala.
Rs.1500 Order Now
Tulsi Mala
Introduction: In AyurvedTulasi has been described as a miraculous plant. It is very much useful for a person suffering from different diseases related to digestion. Balm of Tulasi relieves a person from headache. A TulasiMala cures a person from high fever, diseases of mind and from the ailment caused by disorder of the wind within the system. It is helpful in attaining Siddhi if Jap of Vishnu, Ram and Krishna is performed with it. The following mantra should be recited: Om VishnaveNamah.
Rs.150 Order Now