From the very dawn of civilization, man has been fascinated by brilliant, shiny, colourful shells, stones and crystals.Gems have always been regarded as bringers of peace,prosperity and happiness. Favourable gems bring about name, fame, power and make life easier. Ancient scriptures from across the world have praised gems as powerful agents of energy that influence human fate and destiny, induce good energy and expel the negative energy that produces sickness and suffering.
In Tantra Sara, a major tantrikscripture , the human body is stated to be an island of nine gems. These nine gems known as nav-ratnas correspond with the nine dhatus(ingredients) of which the human body is composed.
The puranas present beautiful stories about the origin of gems and their relationship with the nine planets.Thenav-ratna(nine gems) are divided into two groups:-Precious and Semi-precious.Diamond, pearl, Ruby, Blue-Sapphire and Emerald are precious gems whereas hessonite, yellow sapphire, cat's eye and coral fall in the category of semi-precious gems.
Most Indian astrologers and gem therapists agree on the use of gemstone related to the moon sign(rashi).(The moon sign means the placement of moon in a particular sign of the Zodiac). It is not always beneficial to select gemstones just because they are related to moon sign(rashi). To wear a gem, is to add the energy of the planet related to the gem and if the planet is badly aspected it will only add to one's problems. Hence it is always necessary to consult a gem therapist or a good astrologer before selecting a gem.
It is always advisable to wear the rings of different gems on different fingers . As a general rule, the ring finger is the best for wearing rings, but as each finger is related to a particular planet, the ring should be worn on the finger connected with the planet .This belief is quite popular and sometimes we see people wearing rings on many fingers. There is also distinction between the right and left hand: the right hand is solar and the left hand is lunar. If a person seeks balance in life then he has to wear a ring with the gem, related with the planets Sun, Mars, Saturn,Rahu and Ketu on the left hand(i.e solar gems on the lunar hand). The gems related with Moon, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter should be worn on the right hand. Hence wearing gems on the appropriate fingers, would bring good health, prosperity, name and fame, saves one from wild animals, accidents, evil effects of poison and negative effects of ill-aspected planets.

Ruby is a gemstone of the corundum family and is attractive because of its brilliance, if it is crystal clear and transparent. It is found in a variety of crimson and scarlet red colors ranging from pink to a deep ruddy violet color. It has the smooth and delicate luster of clarified butter. The finest quality ruby has a delicate rose color.
Following are the general properties of Gemstone:
Planet : Sun
Cosmic Color : Red
Sign : Leo
Element : Fire
Time : Sunrise
Day : Sunday
Metal : Yellow Gold
Signs of well-placed Gemstone
Royalty, high position in administration
Successful activity, authority
Cheerful outlook, good fortune, ambition to achieve great heights, brilliance, optimism, success in worldly affairs
Creative, vital, resistant, determined and decisive
The gemstone helps to prevent the following diseases:
Cerebral meningitis, eruption of the face, typhoid, polypus, epilepsy, bile complaints, sun-stroke, scorches, diseases of the head
Hemorrhage, cardiac thrombosis, heated and bilious constitution
Heart diseases, eye inflammation, low or high blood pressure
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Pearl (Moti)
Formation of a pearl inside a pearl oyster occurs because of the presence of foreign material inside the body of the oyster. To save itself from the undesired material the mollusk coats the object with layer after layer of nacre. It takes many years for a mollusk to produce a pearl of substantial size. The process through which the pearls are formed inside the body of the mollusk is very delicate, and a little disturbance at any stage of development of a pearl can influence its shape and lustre. The finest pearl is that which has no foreign matter in its core. Pearls are obtained from eight sources, which are Sky Pearl, Cobra Pearl, Bamboo Pearl, Hog Pearl, Elephantine Pearl, Conch Pearl, Fish Pearl and Oyster Pearl.
Following are the general properties of Gemstone:
Planet : Moon
Cosmic Color : Orange
Sign : Cancer
Element : Water
Time : Evening
Day : Monday
Metal : Silver
Signs of well-placed Gemstone
Emotions under control
The native will have good affluence, good fortune, recognition and fame
Balanced emotional life
Good memory
The gemstone helps to prevent the following diseases :
Eye diseases, lunacy, paralysis, hysteria, epilepsy, cold, cough.
Colic pains, worms, intestinal disorders, tumors, peritonitis.
Throat troubles, asthma, bronchitis, varicose loins, nervous debility, cancer, typhoid.
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Coral (Moonga)
Coral is a calcareous, skeleton-like deposit of the coral polyp- a tiny invertebrate that dwells in quiet waters and is found at depths ranging from 20 to 1,000 feet. The color of coral depends on the depth at which it is found - below 160 feet its color is light. The best-colored corals are found between depths of 100 and 160 feet. It is found in many shades of red and pink. The color usually ranges from white to pink to vermilion red and deep scarlet. Corals of yellow ocher, cream, chocolate and black color are also available. A good coral that is related to the planet Mars and recommended by astrologers, gem therapists and jewelers is a deep red coral, which resembles well-ripened bimb fruit or an unripe cherry.
Following are the general properties of Gemstone:
Planet : Mars
Cosmic Color : Yellow
Sign : Gemini, Scorpio
Element : Earth
Time : Sunrise
Day : Tuesday
Metal : Yellow Gold and Copper
Signs of well-placed Gemstone:
Courage, charisma, leadership
Physical strength, forcefulness
Mechanical and technical jobs
Great energy and motivation
Rapid advancement and success
Acquiring properties
The gemstone helps to prevent the following diseases:
Eruptions of the face and body
General diseases of the blood, muscular system, bone marrow
Cuts, burns, bruises
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Emerald is a gemstone of green color belonging to the family of beryl gems. This gemstone is rare because it is very difficult to find a flawless emerald. Most emeralds are defective, having a feather - like crack and inclusions. To find an emerald that is of rich green color, perfectly transparent, with a velvety reflection and high specific gravity is difficult.
Following are the general properties of Gemstone:
Planet : Mercury
Cosmic Color : Green
Sign : Gemini, Virgo
Element : Earth
Time : Sunrise
Day : Wednesday
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Yellow Sapphire (Pukhraj)
A gem of the corundum family, yellow sapphire is a twin of ruby and blue sapphire. It is found in yellow, golden, and orange colors, as well as in a colorless variety known as white sapphire. The best gem is said to be of lemon-yellow color.
Following are the general properties of Gemstone:
Planet : Jupiter
Cosmic Color : Light Blue
Sign : Sagittarius, Pisces
Element : Ether
Time : Sunset
Day : Thursday
Metal : Yellow Gold
Signs of well-placed Gemstone:
Good children and grandchildren
Wisdom, longevity
Wealth, name, fame, success and honor
The gemstone helps to prevent the following diseases:
Liver complaints, jaundice, dropsy, flatulence, dyspepsia, abscess.
catarrh, circulation of blood in the arteries and fat in the body.
disorders of pancreas, tumors, skin troubles, cerebral congestion.
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Diamond (Heera)
Most attractive to the eyes, the diamond is famous for its play of colors. It emits a very delicate bluish, reddish, or a mixture of blue and red radiance of glittering lustre when exposed to light. The gem is luminous and dazzling, and emits sparks of light. A fine diamond is effulgent, radiant, and delightful. It is as soothing to the eyes as the Moon; it is lovely and magnificent and has the self-luminous quality of a clear crystal. It is brilliant and radiates rainbows of light all around. Ancient Hindu scriptures mention eight types of diamonds. They are Hanspati, Kamlapati, Vasanti, Vajraneel, Vanaspati, Sbyamvajra, Telia, and Sanloyi.
Following are the general properties of Gemstone:
Planet : Venus
Cosmic Color : White
Sign : Taurus, Libra
Element : Water
Time : Sunrise
Day : Friday
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Blue Sapphire (Neelam)
The blue sapphire is a gem of the corundum family. Sometimes white sapphires, rubies, and blue sapphires are found in the same mine, and that is why there is a mixture of colors in the crystals of these gems. Ruby is harder than white sapphire (known as pukhraj), and blue sapphire is harder than ruby and it is hardest of all.
Following are the general properties of Gemstone:
Planet : Saturn
Cosmic Color : Violet
Sign : Capricorn
Element : Air
Time : Sunset
Day : Saturday
Signs of well-placed Gemstone:
Long life
Govern leadership and perfection, highest human qualities
Wisdom, integrity, discipline, spiritual achievement trough humility, patience, dedication and non-attachment.
The gemstone helps to prevent the following diseases:
Paralysis, asthma, rheumatisms, teeth problems, bones problems.
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Hessonite (Gomed)
A good-quality hessonite, the gemstone of Rahu, is one that reflects a nice honey color. Zircon has a considerable range of colors and is found in red, blue, green, yellow, orange, and brown shades. Blue and green hessonite or the white colorless variety of hessonite is not associated with Rahu. A pure and transparent hessonite having a delicate hue, brilliance, lustre, and uniform color neutralizes the evil effects of Rahu, and if Rahu is well posited it gives beneficial results during its major period and sub-periods, removes fear, creates clarity of mind, and helps spiritual growth.
Following are the general properties of Gemstone:
Planet : Rahu
Cosmic Color : Ultraviolet
Sign : Aquarius
Element : Ether
Time : Sunset
Day : Saturday
Signs of well-placed Gemstone:
Rahu is a spiritually inclined planet. When it is well-placed, the native usually has very strong spiritual tendencies, desire to do goodness to others and detachment to material goals. He is very influential and respected in society.
Power, fame, political success, money
The gemstone helps to prevent the following diseases:
Cancer, fears, phobias, undiagnosable illnesses, poisons.
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Cat's Eye (Lehsunia)
It is an aluminate of beryllium - a mixture of aluminum and beryllium - having traces of oxide of iron and chromium, which serve as coloring agents and give it brownish and greenish tinges. It has a chatoyant glowing from inside like the eye of a cat and having white fibers. The brighter the fiber, the higher is the quality of the gem. Cat's-eye has a silky streak of light that moves with the turning of the stone like a gleam in a straight line across the stone.
Following are the general properties of Gemstone
Planet : Ketu
Cosmic Color : Beyond Visible Color Spectrum (Infra Red)
Sign : Pisces
Element : Water
Time : After Sunset
Day : Thursday
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Zircon/American Diamond
It is said that the one who wears a zircon has a luxurious life, zircon is also supposed to enhance the name, fame and artistic quality of a person. It also enhances sexual power. It is the most heavy gemstone in the category of gemstones. The most auspicious zircon is one that is colourless with a blue tinge or one, which sprays blue, and red rays and is without black dots.
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Wearer of the unblemished amethyst enjoys wealth and property and is blessed with children, he/she becomes fearless, and is protected from afflictions, sorrow and disasters, he becomes virile and his will power and spirit is strengthened, he/she occupies a respected position in the society.
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Golden Topaz/Sunehla
An unblemished golden sapphire (often-called topaz, a substitute semi-precious stone) gives the wearer good health, wisdom, property, longevity, name, honors and fame. An effective gem, which almost acts as a mental tonic, the golden topaz confers dignity and nobility of character. One gets innovative ideas by wearing this gem, and learns to control anger and also turning one`s energies positively.
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